A Sick House Needs Margin

Everyone in the house is sick right now except for yours truly. Of course this happens when my parents drove 15 hours to visit us for the weekend. It only makes sense, right??

Such is life. Today was supposed to be a day filled with grandparent memories, but sadly they’re heading home to avoid infection, and we’re cooped up waiting for what could be the first snow in the Florida panhandle in 14 years! 

I’m playing nurse while simultaneously trying to be productive before I inevitably go down with the ship. My husband and the kids are all enjoying a 102+ fever at the moment, and I feel like my body is a ticking time bomb, waiting to ignite. 

Good news is I feel great at the moment! So here we are!

Our laundry hampers are empty. I’ve cleared off the surfaces of our kitchen island and moved all the toys back to the playroom. Grocery shopping is done, food is prepped, and now to knock out some work. It’s in these moments that I’m extra grateful our home is decluttered. It doesn’t take much effort for me to pick up the slack when my husband has to rest, or to get the house in pristine condition so he can easily take over when it’s my turn to become a lump.

I wanted to share this little slice of life as a clear reminder why we declutter. It’s not for a prettier space. It’s not for the sense of control. It’s not to seek self-worth through the state of our home. Rather, it’s about making life less cumbersome so we can not only reduce our burdens, but focus on the things that actually matter. I’m not stressed out about the house falling apart while we’re all sick. I’m not trying to play catch up when I get better. I’m able to care for my family AND myself without drowning in house work.

Not owning excess - as well is implementing habitual routines that keep things in working order - leaves margin for when we need it most. I’m so glad I do laundry every other day instead of a mountain every week or two, because then this weekend we’d be out of clothing. The fact that putting toys back in the playroom took 3 minutes is a gift! And I’m so relieved that I could sit down really quickly at the dining room table to knock out this blog post without needing to clear off the surface first.

If you’re looking for some motivation on your decluttering journey, let this be a reminder that future you will be very, very grateful.

Shannon Leyko