My New Podcast: Paring Down

Well it should come as no surprise that I’m beginning something new, considering the name of this blog!

I’ve wanted to start a podcast for years— in fact I briefly had one in conjunction with this blog about 8 years ago. But I never found an umbrella topic that I felt could focus the episodes enough to be related while broad enough to fill a weekly slot.

UNTIL this year, when I realized that I’ve become deeply entrenched in the minimalist lifestyle. I’m not talking Swedish furniture, bare walls, and capsule wardrobes. But if those things speak to you— then I’m such a fan!

Rather, I’ve become passionate about living with less. About decluttering anything that isn’t intentional, both inside my home and within my life. So I’m bringing you a weekly podcast all about paring down what we own, want, and believe.

I’M SO EXCITED!!! Here is the sneak peek, and I can’t wait for you to join me every Tuesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube!

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Shannon Leyko